Category Archives: Islam

Being Muslim

Wow! This is a new experience for me. I have never blogged and rarely peruse blogs. So thanks to Donna for getting me started. My fear was that if I blog this book then I would not have a book for our next brunch. But I certainly read enough that I’ll have more books that I can cook about.

Being Muslim is an overview of what it means to be a member of the Islam religion and how that religion fits into the religions of the world. It discuss positive aspects of the religion along with negative aspects. His thesis is that most people don’t judge other religions by their worst aspects but that is how many westerners judge Islam and its Muslim followers.

In a quote from Anne Frank’s Diary: “When a Christian does something wrong, it’s his fault. When a Jew does, it’s the fault of all Jews.”

Siddiqui writes: “Like any other faith, Islam can be and is used by both fundamentalists and liberals, and by the violent and the peaceful to rationalize their agendas.”

The message of pluralism is conveyed in the Qur’an:

  • To you your religion, and to me, mine.
  • Had your Lord willed, everyone on Earth would have believed.

Positive quotes from the Qur’an.

  • Do not reject the beggar. In your wealth is a due share for the beggar and also to him too proud to beg.
  • God enjoins you to treat women well.
  • Control your anger.
  • Be moderate in religion.

Being Muslim is a fairly easy read. Parts that didn’t interest me were quickly skimmed. The author Haroon Seddiqui is a highly respected Canadian journalist. He was awarded the Order of Canada.


This books reminds me of Irshad Manji‘s book “The Trouble with Islam.” I recomended this book to friends a few years ago. The link on Manji’s name links to an article about her. Muslim Refusnik is her website. There is an excellent video clip from her recent documentary . Check it out.troubleislam.jpgI would recommend both these book to all readers interested in the affairs of our world and how they relate to Islam.

If I was taking this to a brunch I would make falafel and hummus my favourite mid-eastern foods.
